Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Happy thanksgiving everyone! I am so thankful for my husband and baby boy. They light up my life and I couldn't imagine my life without them. We're having Thanksgiving with Chris's family this year so we've been snuggling on the couch watching the Macy's Parade. Have a wonderful day!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 25
Day 25: I am thankful that I have a sister-in-law that does hair. I was sick of my hair this morning to I texted Kim to see if she was busy. She had a cancellation right then so I headed over to her salon. I got a cut and color for.... free! That's one of the perks of being a family member of a hair stylist! I just pay for the product that she uses on me and that's only about $5-$10. I would never get my hair done if I had to pay full price. I am so blessed!
P.S. I have to add that I haven't had anything done to my hair since September of LAST YEAR!!!!! So I definitely desired getting my hair done today. :)
P.S. I have to add that I haven't had anything done to my hair since September of LAST YEAR!!!!! So I definitely desired getting my hair done today. :)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 23
Day 23: I am thankful for sleeping through the night...3 nights in a row!!!! I woke up at 4am to pump and then at 645am when Carver woke up. Yea!!! My boy is growing up!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 22
Day 22: I am thankful that Carver slept through the night. He went 10.5hrs between feedings and slept for 8.5hrs! It was soooo good to sleep, uninterrupted, for more than 3-5hrs. I was majorly engorged when we got up but it was definitely worth it.
Friday, November 20, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Days 19 & 20
I didn't get a chance to post yesterday since I was working on getting pictures updated on here. So here's yesterday's and today's posts.
Day 19: I am thankful for Chris. He has taken over the cooking ever since I got pregnant. Well last night he came and told me that dinner was ready. He'd set the table (we usually eat in front of the tv) with our salads and glasses of wine with our dinner warming in the oven. He doesn't make very complicated dinners (he had bagel bites and I had soup haha) but I really appreciate him willing to cook and that he actually enjoys it. Love you honey!
Day 20: I'm thankful for my Papa (my mom's dad). He's had a lot of health problems. Chris, Carver, Mom and I went down to take him some furniture last weekend. He called me this morning to thank us and let us know that he really appreciated seeing us. I'm thankful that he's around to see Carver and I hope he sticks around for Carver to remember him.
Day 19: I am thankful for Chris. He has taken over the cooking ever since I got pregnant. Well last night he came and told me that dinner was ready. He'd set the table (we usually eat in front of the tv) with our salads and glasses of wine with our dinner warming in the oven. He doesn't make very complicated dinners (he had bagel bites and I had soup haha) but I really appreciate him willing to cook and that he actually enjoys it. Love you honey!
Day 20: I'm thankful for my Papa (my mom's dad). He's had a lot of health problems. Chris, Carver, Mom and I went down to take him some furniture last weekend. He called me this morning to thank us and let us know that he really appreciated seeing us. I'm thankful that he's around to see Carver and I hope he sticks around for Carver to remember him.
The two monkeys
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Alea turned 3 years old!!!!
Here's some pictures from Alea's birthday weekend. Carver loved it!
Love this picture!

Too cute!

Alea wearing one of the princess dresses Carver picked out for her birthday

Snuggling with uncle Moktar

Hanging out with Amma at the party

I love "Aunt MaeMae"!

"Uncle Pops" loves holding me!

Alea's cake

Kisses from Aunt Jena

Alea opening her bike

Love it!

Love this picture!
Too cute!
Alea wearing one of the princess dresses Carver picked out for her birthday
Snuggling with uncle Moktar
Hanging out with Amma at the party
I love "Aunt MaeMae"!
"Uncle Pops" loves holding me!
Alea's cake
Kisses from Aunt Jena
Alea opening her bike
Love it!
More 4mo old pictures
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 18
Day 18: I'm thankful for Kim! I wasn't really wanting anything that we have for dinner tonight and Kim texted asking if we wanted to come over for dinner! Perfect! Thanks Kim!!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 17
Day 17: Today I am thankful that we went grocery shopping... and we got a whole bunch of stuff for not a lot of money! I wasn't able to use coupons this time but we still managed to get a lot of food for under $100! And that includes dog food! I love that we are getting more smart about grocery shopping.
Monday, November 16, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 16
Day 16: I am thankful that I am slowly accumulating Christmas presents instead of waiting until the last moment like I usually do. A few months ago, I figured out what I was going to give everyone on our list and I've been getting one or two things with every paycheck so that we aren't putting everything on our credit card. Now I'm just waiting for Black Friday to get the rest since they will be on sale. I'm so proud of myself. :)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 15
Day 15: I am thankful that we've finally found a church here in Gig Harbor that we like. and as a bonus, Kim and Greg started going there when we did and they like it too! It's a younger congregation with lots of young families and babies so it's perfect for us. A couple things that we wanted in a church were that they were transparent about their budget, they did communion on a regular basis and the sermons were more of a teaching sermon. I was amazed that there were churches that didn't do some of these things. Believers Fellowship, the church we go to now, does all of these! I'm so excited for Carver to grow up in this church and make friends that, hopefully, will last a long time.
Friday, November 13, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 13
Day 13: I am thankful that every 4 weeks Chris watches Carver while I get to go get my nails done. I hate leaving Carver but it's so relaxing to be pampered for an hour and a half. It means that I'm away for two and a half hours (my nail lady is 25min away... yes I know) and I'm totally ready to come home once I'm done. Thanks honey!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 12
Day 12: I'm thankful that I was able to lose all the weight that I gained while I was pregnant. It was also really easy for me. I didn't have to exercise... just nurse. I lost 22 of 26 pounds gained within 5 weeks of delivery. I'm just grateful because I HATE to exercise! Ok, enough gloating. :)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 11
Day 11: I am thankful for all the men and women serving the country. We're reminded even more this year because of what happened at Fort Hood last week. Thank you to everyone that has served and all those who are serving now.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 10
Day 10: I am thankful for everything Chris does. He knew that I haven't been getting much sleep lately so when his alarm went off this morning he went in and got Carver out of his crib (see post below) and changed his diaper and played with him until he got hungry. Its the little things like that that make me love him more. I love you honey!
"Finally" as Chris would say
Chris finally talked me into letting Carver sleep in his crib all night. I really didn't want to do it but it worked out ok. He got up a couple times (2am and 515am) but that was it. He was pretty awake after the second feeding but once he fell asleep he stayed that way after I put him in his crib. Chris even got up with him after his alarm went off and let me sleep. Yea!!! My baby's growing up so fast!
Monday, November 9, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 9
Day 9: I'm thankful that Carver loves to cuddle! we're just sitting on the couch watching tv and he's just snuggled up to me. Its a great way to start the day!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Whirlwind of a weekend
So on we3dnesday Chris called and said that we could leave that night for Ellensburg. We were planning on leaving after he got off work on thursday so it was a pleasant surprise to get to go a day early. On thursday we went out to our longtime friends, the Lundy's, house. Alisa and her family were in town for a few days and we wanted to have a playdate with her 3mo old daughter, Jane. It was really good to see everyone. We definitely need to do that more often!
On friday, we left for Cheney when we got up. We ended up stopping in Ritzville to feed Carver. So I fed and changed him then handed him off to Chris so I could run into McDonalds to use the bathroom. When I came out I took Carver and set him in his seat to get buckled in. As soon as I set him down he pooped. So I took him in to the bathroom and changed him. No big deal. I go to get him in his carseat and as soon as I set him down, he poops again! So I changed him in the car... I didn't want to go back into McD's. haha Needless to say, out 30-45min stop turned into 1hr 15min. But we made it to Jena and Moktar's house.
Friday night we went to Olive Garden... its become a tradition for us to go there when we're together! Saturday was al about Alea's 3rd birthday party. After the party we went out to Jena's parent's house for dinner. Carver wasn't spoiled at all... ;) We had to leave this morning when we got up. Carver did great in the car. We, of course, stopped in Ellensburg for about an hour to feed Carver and have Campus-U-totem. yum! Hard to believe, but Chris had never had Campus before today. We've been together 5.5yrs and we'd never eaten there together!
Then we left and came home. There was actually snow on the pass! It was so much fun to see!
Ok, enough rambling. Carver's done eating his dinner so I'm going to hit the sack. Night!
On friday, we left for Cheney when we got up. We ended up stopping in Ritzville to feed Carver. So I fed and changed him then handed him off to Chris so I could run into McDonalds to use the bathroom. When I came out I took Carver and set him in his seat to get buckled in. As soon as I set him down he pooped. So I took him in to the bathroom and changed him. No big deal. I go to get him in his carseat and as soon as I set him down, he poops again! So I changed him in the car... I didn't want to go back into McD's. haha Needless to say, out 30-45min stop turned into 1hr 15min. But we made it to Jena and Moktar's house.
Friday night we went to Olive Garden... its become a tradition for us to go there when we're together! Saturday was al about Alea's 3rd birthday party. After the party we went out to Jena's parent's house for dinner. Carver wasn't spoiled at all... ;) We had to leave this morning when we got up. Carver did great in the car. We, of course, stopped in Ellensburg for about an hour to feed Carver and have Campus-U-totem. yum! Hard to believe, but Chris had never had Campus before today. We've been together 5.5yrs and we'd never eaten there together!
Then we left and came home. There was actually snow on the pass! It was so much fun to see!
Ok, enough rambling. Carver's done eating his dinner so I'm going to hit the sack. Night!
26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 8
Day 8: I'm thankful that I live in a state that gets four distinct seasons. There is officially snow on Snoqualmie Pass and it makes it feel like Christmas!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Days 6 & 7
So I just realized that I was a day off. oops! So I'm playing catch up today.
Day 5: I'm thankful for Alea. She's one of my best friend's daughter. She turns 3 years old tomorrow and is a joy to be around. She loves her friend Carver and was so excited for us to come see her for her birthday! Its been fun to watch her grow the last three years!
Day 6: I'm thankful for Carver. I'm still amazed that Chris and I created this being. He's perfect! I thank God for him every day and couldn't imagine my life without him! He has changed our life for the better.
Day 5: I'm thankful for Alea. She's one of my best friend's daughter. She turns 3 years old tomorrow and is a joy to be around. She loves her friend Carver and was so excited for us to come see her for her birthday! Its been fun to watch her grow the last three years!
Day 6: I'm thankful for Carver. I'm still amazed that Chris and I created this being. He's perfect! I thank God for him every day and couldn't imagine my life without him! He has changed our life for the better.
26 Days of Thankfulness: Days 5
Even though it's technically Saturday, I'm saying this is for Friday...
Day 5: I'm thankful for friends. Whether they're near or far, I have some pretty awesome friends. They have stuck by me. I feel really blessed that I have them. Thanks guys!!!
Day 5: I'm thankful for friends. Whether they're near or far, I have some pretty awesome friends. They have stuck by me. I feel really blessed that I have them. Thanks guys!!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
26 Days of Thankfulness: Days 3 & 4
I didn't get a chance to post yesterday because Chris was able to take today off work as well as friday so we got to come to my mom's house a day early! So here's two things I'm thankful for.
Day 3:
I'm thankful that we get to go to Ellensburg at least once a month. It's great to get away for a few days and I tend to miss it if we go too long between trips. Ellensburg will always be 'home' to me.
Day 4:
I'm thankful for my brothers. They are amazing men and I look up to them so much. I love how close we've become in the last few years. Its so fun to watch them interact with Carver. They're both going to be awesome dads some day. :)
Day 3:
I'm thankful that we get to go to Ellensburg at least once a month. It's great to get away for a few days and I tend to miss it if we go too long between trips. Ellensburg will always be 'home' to me.
Day 4:
I'm thankful for my brothers. They are amazing men and I look up to them so much. I love how close we've become in the last few years. Its so fun to watch them interact with Carver. They're both going to be awesome dads some day. :)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Doctors TV: Uncommon Cures and Home Remedies
I was watching The Doctors and they were talking about using household remedies. Here are a few...
- Coffee: Reduces muscle pain after exercising by blocking the pain receptors. Women who drank 2 cups of coffee before a 30min bike run reduced their muscle pain in half.
- Duct Tape: To get a splinter out.
- Pencil: Place between teeth (without biting down) to relieve a tension headache
- Bandana/Cloth: Tie around your head tightly to relieve a migraine.
- Reduce Nausea: Almonds, accupuncture, accupressure, ginger
- Baby Shampoo & Water: 1 part shampoo to 10 parts water to clean crusty eyes from pink eye. The warm water loosens the crust and the shampoo cleans the eyelashes.
- Blisters: If you have to pop them, put hemmerhoid cream to reduce itching and mouth wash will dry the blister out.
- Chamomile Tea bags: Soak and place on face to reduce acne. It has a natural anti-inflammatory in it. Hold on pimple for 15min.
- Apple Cider Vinegar: Drink a capful to relieve hiccups; May help with heartburn; put on cotton ball to reduce bruise or minor burn; clears pores - helps with acne; can be used as a disinfectant (cleans shower)**Make sure its not distilled**
- Aspirin: Smash 2 aspirin and make paste with water and put on pimple
- Banana peel: place on minor burn to relieve pain
- Lemon Juice and Grapefruit Juice: equal parts as an energy boost
- Vegetable shortening: use as a moisturizer
- Avocado: Place on skin to reduce wrinkles
- Papaya/Oatmeal: Antiaging facial; Strawberries could be used instead of papaya; leave on for 15min then wipe off with warm cloth
- Vodka: Footbath of vodka to get rid of smelly feet; soak for 10min; can also use rubbing alcohol
- Reduce sweating: Make a bath with 2cups lemon juice, apple cider vinager, baking soda, 2 cups tomato juice; 30min soak
Monday, November 2, 2009
z26 Days of Thankfulness: Day 2
Day 2:
I'm thankful that I am able to stay home with Carver. I am on salary with our business but I am able to work from home. I am so grateful that I have the best of both worlds - I work so I feel like I am contributing to the family (even though all the money comes from the same place haha) and I'm able to stay at home with Carver and watch him grow up. I don't think I could put him in daycare... I'd miss so much of his life!
So... I'm thankful for our business since it successful enough for me to stay home.
I'm thankful that I am able to stay home with Carver. I am on salary with our business but I am able to work from home. I am so grateful that I have the best of both worlds - I work so I feel like I am contributing to the family (even though all the money comes from the same place haha) and I'm able to stay at home with Carver and watch him grow up. I don't think I could put him in daycare... I'd miss so much of his life!
So... I'm thankful for our business since it successful enough for me to stay home.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween Carver!!!
26 Days of Thankfulness
It's officially November! Usually I want to skip over this month and get to christmas but this year I'm savoring everything because of Carver. I know he won't remember Fall and Thanksgiving this year but it's going to be fun for me. :) So for the next 26 days, I'm going to try to find one thing a day that I am thankful for. It will be something different... whatever strikes my mood that day. I'm hoping that I can keep this up until Thanksgiving but bear with me if I miss a day or two.
Day 1: Breastfeeding
I am so thankful that I am able to breastfeed Carver. Not only does it cut down on expenses but it is a great bonding time for the two of us. It took awhile before it stopped being painful but I'm glad that I stuck with it and didn't give up.
Day 1: Breastfeeding
I am so thankful that I am able to breastfeed Carver. Not only does it cut down on expenses but it is a great bonding time for the two of us. It took awhile before it stopped being painful but I'm glad that I stuck with it and didn't give up.
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