On November 16th our lives changed forever. We had an appointment for our anatomy exam and to find out the sex of the baby. Part way through the ultrasound, the technician said that she had some bad news and was going to stop the ultrasound. She said that she could not get a clear picture of the baby's skull and brain. We set up an appointment with our OB for the next day to talk about what this meant. He explained to us that when the skull and brain were developing (at 4-6wks gestation), it stopped. This means that there is no upper brain and the skull stops at the hairline.
We set up an appointment with a pernatiologist for the next week to get a specialist's opinion and another look at the baby. That appointment was yesterday. He confirmed what the technician had seen and explained what Anencephaly is. This is a fatal diagnosis. There is no way that the baby can live outside the womb. He went over the whole body to see if there were any other defects (there aren't) and we learned that it's a little boy. He gave us some pictures and was really helpful.
Once we were done there, we set up another appointment with our OB to talk about our options for a course of treatment. That appointment is set for next Thursday, December 1st at 3:30pm.
We're still in shock about everything but we have a great support group of family and friends that have banded themselves around us and have become our prayer warriors. We don't know what we're going to do (either deliver early or ride out the course of the pregnancy) and it will be something that we talk and pray about a lot before we come to a decision.
On this day that we are reminded to give thanks for what we have, I am extremely thankful for everyone that has been praying for us, those that have brought us meals, and those that send encouraging emails/texts/messages. They are all deeply felt. I am thankful for this life kicking inside of me right now. We don't know what the future will hold but I can guarantee that God has something special for this precious little boy. I am thankful for Carver. He is the perfect distraction and brings so much joy into our lives. I am thankful for my amazing husband. He is grieving as well but he has been my pillar, my rock, and we lean on each other.