Friday, May 31, 2013

Easter 2013

Yes, I'm behind on posting pictures. But I'm getting everything off my camera so there's room for when McKay comes. :)

Opening his Easter present from Nana and Pop - new clothes.
 Easter present from mom and dad - red Toms, and some candy
 What's an Easter egg hunt without the tractor and trailer. It makes the job so much easier. ;)
 The clothes from Nana. Checking out what's in the eggs.
 The dogs got in on the action too!

Lollipop Tree

I grew up listening to my mom sing a song about planting a lollipop stick. Then watering it well and watching it grow. Then one day it would become a lollipop tree. Check out the song here.

So my mom and I, of course, sang the song to Carver since he was born. We decided that Easter weekend would be the perfect time to actually try it out. So that Saturday we all ate lollipops and planted them in my mom's back yard. Carver watered it well and watched it carefully. 

Then one day (Easter morning) he woke to find...

 ... a lollipop tree!!! He was SOOOO excited. He couldn't keep the huge grin off his face. :)
 The guys went a little overboard with the size of tree they made. It was a branch from a tree they had cut down.
 Carver was in awe that it actually worked.

We told Carver that once all the lollipops were picked the tree would disappear and we could do it all again next Easter. But now he wants to plant other things... like popsicle sticks. haha We'll have to figure out something for that.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Doctor appt at 35.5 weeks

I should preface this by saying that McKay has been breech or transverse (sideways) ever since 18ish weeks. Talk about uncomfortable! And my doctor said that if she hadn't moved by my 35/36 week appt, that we would schedule a time to go to the hospital to have him move her. He did this with Noah (who was transverse) while I was in labor - with an epidural - and it was brutal! So I was definitely not looking forward to that idea.

I woke up this morning feeling a little more comfortable than normal and I had some hand or knee action in my side. Not thinking much of it at that point. But then she got hiccups right before we went to my appt and it was higher up (they're usually around my pant line). Getting a little hopeful but not thinking much of it. Then, while I'm getting my blood pressure taken I feel a big bulge under my ribs - uh oh her head's back up. :( The nurse feels and agrees with me that it feels like the head. So we go into the room and my doctor starts up the ultrasound machine... and lo and behold... she's HEAD DOWN!!!!!!! I was so excited. :) Now here's to praying that she stays that way until she comes out. :)

I feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Not only would it be really painful (think of a deep tissue massage without any lotion) but it would also be an extra expense. I'd resigned myself to the fact that it would have to happen and I'm so relieved that we don't have to go through that.

Other than all that, things have been going ok here. I have no energy to keep up with the house and Chris has been working extra lately so he has no energy to help out once he's home. Needless to say, we're doing the bare minimum to keep the house someone in working order right now.

We have Carver's birthday party this weekend and that means we'll have to actually clean. Joy! We're doing a super small party this year and a few weeks early just because of my due date being so close to Carver's actual birthday. I'm trying to keep it low key but that's hard when I've got all these fun ideas and it's a cowboy party. How can you not go a little overboard with that? ;)

Stats to keep you updated:

Due Date: June 30, 2013

Weight Gain:up 1lb from my last appt bringing the total to 30lbs
Symptoms: More comfortable now that's she's flipped. Not a lot of energy
What's different this time: Everything!
Cravings: fro-yo still. I've even had Chris run to get some after Carver's fallen asleep. I feel like we're sneaking around haha
Aversions: meat and cooked peppers
Sleep:I'm getting up 2-4 times to go to the bathroom. When I'm asleep, it's great.Chris says I snore, I say, be glad that I'm actually sleeping!
I am loving: Chris and Carver putting lotion on my belly. They both love to do it and it keeps my belly from itching... a little
I miss: being able to bend down
I am looking forward to:Carver's party; getting my completion coupons for my registries. I want to go shopping!
I'm spazzing about: She's head down!!!
Best thing about this week:She's head down (getting sick of hearing that?) Carver has one week of school left.
Milestones: Had my shower with all my Moms Group and Bible Study friends. It was a lot of fun and I loved seeing everyone. :) Thanks Erica!!!
Movement:  It's starting to slow down a little bit. She's running out of room.
It's a...: Girl!!!
Exercise: I told Chris that we need to start walking... he says to wait until after 37wks. Smart man!!
Diet:Trying to get a lot more fruits and veggies but I have no energy so whatever is convenient
Other goals: Get to 37wks and then she can come!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Special!! Only Today!!

Happy Memorial Day everyone!!!
Today is a day to remember all of those that paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and the families they left behind.
Thank you to all of those that have served our country.

Now, onto the shopping that is Memorial Day. May's special ends in a few days, and I'm making it even sweeter. Anyone that places an order through me today (not online) will get one thing personalized! How's that to add a little incentive. Orders must be emailed to me (chris.tana08 @ hotmail . com) by 8pm PST tonight so I can get them submitted tonight and get your products on their way to you. Just put 'Memorial Day Order' as the subject so I can catch it if it gets sent to my Junk folder. Now it's time to do some shopping. :)

If you need a little inspiration on how you could use some of the products, head over to my board on Pinterest HERE. I've got a bunch of ideas on how people use theirs.

Thanks for supporting me and helping me out. It means a lot. :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Thirty-One: May Special

May's Special!!

So we're already half way through the month but I wanted to let you know what the special is this month at Thirty-One.

For every $31 you spend, you get ANY thermal for HALF OFF!! There's 11 thermals to choose from and some new fabrics that are perfect for summer. Flip flops anyone?

Right now is the perfect time to stock up on some thermals for summer. Whether you're heading to the beach/pool, amusement park, or just running around, these will keep all of your cold things cold and hot things hot (think picnics, BBQs, or getting together with friends). 

Some fun uses for thermals that you may not have thought of:
  • A Mini thermal tote for your purse/diaper bag to keep chapstick, sunscreen, and makeup from melting.
  • Out 'N About thermal or the Picnic Thermal to bring drinks to the ball game or beach.
  • Single Thermal Organizer paired with a Large Utility tote to keep snacks cool for the beach. Use the rest of the space in the Large Utility tote for towels, flip flops, toys, a book, etc. If you don't like getting sand in your bag, add a Top-a-Tote and you're good to go!
  • The brand new Bring-a-Bottle to keep a drink cool while exercising, or just running errands. No one likes a hot drink on a hot day. (Unless you're weird like me and drink hot coffee year round)
  • Use the Fresh Market tote for groceries. No one likes to have melted ice cream by the time you get home.

Head over to  to check out all the thermals.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

33 Weeks

I turned 33wks on Sunday and am getting close to feeling like I'm done. It's hard to bend down and I have absolutely no energy anymore.

Due Date: June 30, 2013
Weight Gain: I have an appt on Thursday but as of two weeks ago, I'm up 27lbs (total with Carver: 26lbs; total with Noah: 28lbs). I'm ok with this because I only gained 1lb at my last appt!!! It sounds like cutting out most of the chocolate and cookies has helped keep the weight down. haha Go figure!
Symptoms:She was breech again at my last appt. If she hasn't moved by 36wks, my Dr will move her. Ouch!
What's different this time: Everything!
Cravings: fro-yo haha At least it's healthier than blizzards ;)
Aversions: meat and cooked peppers
Sleep:I'm getting up 2-4 times to go to the bathroom. When I'm asleep, it's great.
I am loving: Carver's face when he sees McKay move my belly
I miss:being able to bend down (and get back up!) without it taking a whole minute
I am looking forward to:Shopping with my mom and gramma on Saturday :)
I'm spazzing about: All the movement she's been doing! I'm kind of thinking she is back to head down but we'll see.
Best thing about this week: Last weekend was our last weekend in Ellensburg until after McKay comes.
Milestones:Had one baby shower and one more next weekend.
Movement:lots!! hoping from the movement I'm getting that she's head down
It's a...: Girl!!!
Exercise: Any walking that I do
Diet:Trying to get a lot more fruits and veggies. It helps that we're getting lettuce out of the garden for salads
Other goals:Keeping the weight gain to a minimum; Enjoying everything and not wishing it away too much; Getting to 37wks and then she can come anytime she wants ;)

What we've been up to:
We had a baby shower at my mom's house on the 4th. It was a lot of fun and it was great to catch up with everyone. We got a lot of clothes (should've expected that haha) and my mom and gramma got us the car seat. We installed it in the car and left it. It's kind of weird having it in the car this early.

My birthday was on the 8th. Chris asked if he and Carver could go shrimping so I got the house to myself for most of the day. Shrimping is only open for about 4 days out of the whole year (Wednesdays and Saturdays) so it was hard to say no even though I'm not really supposed to have seafood. I wasn't super productive while they were gone (I didn't even get dressed until after 10am) but it was nice to have the house to myself for awhile. I started getting lonely only about an hour before they got home which was ok. Oh, they woke me up at 6am to give me my present (new cowboy boots) and eat mini chocolate donuts before they left. When they got home, we went out for Mexican and fro-yo. It was perfect because Wednesdays are no-weight-Wednesday so it's a flat rate depending on the size of cup you get.  

We were supposed to bring the truck when we went over for the shower but it was acting up (ended up just being the battery) so we had to go over last weekend to pick up our excavator that my mom was using to clear some trees. We hadn't planned on coming over that weekend but it was really nice because that will be our last time before McKay comes.

That's up to today. Carver has his birthday party at school on Thursday since school gets out before his birthday. Mom, Gramma and I are going shopping on Saturday. I have a baby shower with all my church and Bible Study friends this coming week that I'm super excited about. :) That's it for now.

Monday, May 13, 2013

29 weeks picture

This was from a few weeks ago. I haven't been able to upload pictures on Blogger for some reason so here's 29 weeks. :)


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