Saturday, July 20, 2013

The first two weeks

After we got home from the hospital Chris had to go to work for a couple hours. Mo stayed until Chris  got back and the she had to go hoe. She came  back with Charlie for the weekend though.

Kim, my sister-in-law, asked if Carver could spend they day with them for the 4th and he was all over that! He really needed the attention and even called around lunch time and asked if he could stay all day. It was so cute! So Chris and I ran into Tacoma to go to Carters and get McKay some preemie clothes. She's so tiny that all the newborn clothes that we have are too big! It was perfect timing because Carters was having a huge sale that day so we got $120 worth of clothes for $40! Score!! Kim brought Carver home around bed time and Chris and Carver lit off a few fireworks before bed.

We didn't do much that week; just hung out around home. Carver started acting out a little to get our attention and we're still working through that but we're more conscience about doing things that he wants and spending one on one time with him.

McKay had her first doctor appointment that Friday the 5th. She weighed 6lb 6oz and was 18.5in. The doctor said to not wake her up during the night to eat. It was really difficult to wake her up and keep her awake to eat. She would sleep from Midnight to 7-8am. I was concerned that she was missing a feeding but the doctor said to let her sleep and be sure to keep her on a schedule during the day.

Mom and Charlie came back on Friday and spent the weekend. I had a nail appointment Saturday morning so they came with me and walked the mall with Carver and McKay. Mom needed to find an outfit for a wedding and Carver was a big help. :)

My Gramma Pat came over to hang out on Monday the 8th and it was nice to just have her here in case I needed help with anything.

McKay had to retake her PKU test on Friday the 12th and that was hard for Carver to watch. He didn't like that it took so long and McKay was crying so much. He gave her a big hug and kiss and was better. He's such a great big brother :) She'll start crying in the car and he'll sing her a song and she'll instantly stop crying and listen to him.

We needed to get out of the house on Saturday so we headed to the zoo. It was great to get out and Carver loved it! We made it to church and it went pretty well. Chris and I sat in the foyer with McKay for the last 10 minutes but she wasn't even that bad. It was good to get back into a routine and I know that everyone at church loved seeing her. :)

McKay had another appointment on Monday (the 15th) and she was still at 6lb 6oz. The doctor was mildly concerned but after I told him that I'd been having issues nursing he understood. I had blisters and cracks on both sides so I was pumping and using the shield to help them heal. That day was the first day that I didn't need the pump or shield to nurse on either side and I felt like that was a turn for the better. We still have to go back next week (this coming Monday) for another weight check but we're hoping that that was the problem.

Carver had his 4yr appointment on Wednesday and he DID NOT want to go to it. He knew that he needed shots and really didn't want to get them. So I took him to breakfast at Starbucks and got a cake pop for him to have after his appointment. He was awesome during the whole appointment and answered all of the doctor's questions. He was super brave for the shots... but I'd never heard him scream like that before. It broke my heart! I held onto him while she did two shots in each leg and it was the most painful cry I'd ever heard. Once we left, I got the idea that we should maybe just go to Menchies for lunch and Carver was all over that. :) His legs were hurting him but he wouldn't lay down or take any Tylenol to make it better.

When I checked on him that night, he was running a mild fever but he still wouldn't take anything. So I put a cool towel on his neck and Chris checked on him a couple times during the night. When he woke up the next day he actually took the Tylenol and that helped a lot.

That's about it so far! We've just been hanging out around the house and adjusting to having another baby. It's still hard to believe that she's ours. :)

Birth to 2 weeks Pictures

First picture! She's perfect!
Going home outfit. 7/2/13
4th of July. The outfit I bought was too big. She's in preemie clothes. Carver spent the day at my sister-in-law's so Chris and I (and McKay) ran to Carters and bought some preemie clothes.
Sneak peek of the newborn shoot we did. 7/7/13
 They both fell asleep on me and were out for two hours! 7/12/13
 First trip to the zoo! 7/13/13
 She doesn't like the pack n play so we picked this up and its at the foot of  our bed. She's ok in it if she's already asleep. 7/14/13
 She wanted to hear Carver's heartbeat 7/16/13

Induction Day Part 2

I figured I should finish my story... almost three weeks later :)

I left you while we were waiting for the Pitocin to come and get hooked up to my IV. So here's what happened...

I got the Pitocin going at 10:30am and started having more contractions. I still wasn't feeling most of them but moved from 3cm to 4cm relatively quick so we were moved into a labor/delivery room from triage. Things progressed smoothly and I started feeling contractions more intensely.

We got the epidural ordered around 2:30pm and was trying to get McKay to roll to the correct position (her back was in my side so she was still in my back). I got the epidural and felt so much better! I was sitting pretty sweet. My cousin, Allix, came by to check on me and brought yummy cupcakes with her. :) Both of our moms and Carver were in the waiting room.

They had my on my side to try to get her to roll and things were going great while I was on my right side. Then they had my roll to my left side and I started feeling my contractions again. It got to the point where the pain was back to where it was before my epidural and we discussed having the anesthesiologist come back in for another push of meds. Then I had the great idea to see if just pushing the button hooked up to my IV would be enough. You can push it every 6min so I was doing about every 10min. I still wanted to feel the pressure to push but not wanting the pain.

My doctor had my labor at a 9-10cm for longer than normal to try to get her to move. No such luck. So we decided to use the vacuum and I did one push with that and she was out! I had a 'skid mark' that warranted one stitch so I was happy about that. :)

They put her on my belly and all was right with the world. She was born at 6:30pm and she weighed 6lb 12.2oz and was 18in long. Such a tiny little thing. We were all surprised at how small she was!!! She got two 9's for her apgar and her head was 14cm. She may be small but her head was normal size. haha

Chris went out and brought Carver in to meet his sister. We wanted him to be the first one to meet McKay. He was in awe of her! He just kept staring at  her and smiling. He was a little apprehensive of all the stuff hooked up to me. Then our moms came in and the pictures started. :)

I was supposed to get up and go to  the  bathroom so that they could move us down to recovery but because I'd pushed my happy button (read: epidural button) so many times, my legs were jelly. I just sank back down onto the bed. haha So that was off the table. They emptied my bladder and moved us downstairs. That's when everyone headed home and we got settled in.

McKay decided she didn't like the crib and wanted to be held all night. I'd hold her until I'd start to doze and then she'd go back into the crib for however long she'd sleep. Then it was back snuggling with me. She still sleeps the best when she's right next to me so we've kind of been co-sleeping.

Chris told the nurses that he had to work at 3pm the next day and asked if we could be discharged early. He  gets a little antsy. So they got us out of there around noon and we came home. I was feeling pretty good except for  the worst hemorrhoids I've ever had.

Oh, the  lactation consultant said that she  might be a little tongue tied and that could be why it was hurting a little to nurse. She offered to help but I wanted t figure it out on my own.

We got home and Carver held her for the next 30min. He loves her so much!!

I'll get some pictures up and update on the first three weeks later. Gotta nurse! :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Induction day!

So I did this whole post about everything but accidentally posted it to my crafting blog. Haha so head over and get caught up. :)


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